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Refreshed Look – Dermal Fillers

Are you seeking a younger, fresher looking face?

Fillers are a very effective, and affordable, non-surgical way to bring a refreshed look to your face. One treatment can fill deep hollows, facial wrinkles, and fill loss of facial volume to give your face that younger appearance you have been wanting.

The Eye Physicians of Long Beach use several different types of fillers. Each filler is made differently. Some work better than others to fill different types of wrinkles. At your consultation, we will discuss your options and help you choose the dermal filler that will best suite your particular situation.

Juvederm is one of the most popular dermal fillers

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Young skin contains an abundance of a naturally hydrating substance called hyaluronic acid. But as we age, sunlight and other factors can reduce the amount of hyaluronic acid in your skin. The lack of hyaluronic acid causes your skin to lose structure and volume This in turn creates unwanted facial wrinkles and folds – like the lines from your nose to the corner of your mouth (nasolabial folds).

Juvederm contains Hyaluronic acid and brings back the volume to areas in which has been lost, smoothing away facial wrinkles and folds.

If you are concerned that the dermal filler procedure is painful, you will be pleased to know that Juvederm is manufactured using HYLACROSS™ technology. Juvederm is now infused with lidocaine, an agent to help numb the treatment area, to improve comfort during treatment.

Because Juvederm is a non-surgical procedure, you are free to return to your regular activities right after the quick treatment, and you will see the results immediately!

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